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 How do I keep CyberSource (MIVA Payment) updated and running efficiently?
Solution If you are using CyberSource (aka MIVA Payment) as your payment gateway, every year you need to update your "security keys and certificates" to keep the connection between your store and CyberSource gateway secure. If you receive email notification from CyberSource reminding you about this process, it means it's time for yearly renewal. Here are the instructions on how to accomplish this task.

The simplest way to update CyberSource certificates is to do this through the MIVA Merchant admin interface, under Payment Configuration -> CyberSource. There is a button "Update Certificates" which does all the work for you. However - this button wil not work properly if you have a certificate that has not yet expired. In order for this button to work you must either wait until your CyberSource certificate keys expire, or you must expire these keys manually. Expiring the CyberSource certififcate involves removing (or renaming) the existing certificate directory. Please keep in mind that regardless of how you do this, there's going to be a few minutes of downtime on your site, in which time noone will be able to use the checkout process until you get the new certificate keys in place. Because of this it's best to complete this process during regular business hours as you will need to reach CyberSource support on the phone to manually expire the keys on their end. Please keep in mind that this is not something we (as your hosting company) can do for you - this is entirely and exclusively within CyberSource means and if you delete or expire your CyberSource keys during off-hours or a weekend/holiday, there's nothing we'll be able to do to fix the situation. Please complete this process during regular CyberSource support hours only!

1. Log in to your site using FTP.

2. Navigate to your mivadata directory. On Ensim servers this is located in /var/www/mivadata. On Plesk servers this is located in /private/mivadata or just /mivadata.

3. You will see a directory called "CyberSource" inside the mivadata folder.

4. Rename the "Cybersource" directory to "CyberSource.OLD"

5. Call CyberSource support and ask them to expire the (soon-to-expire) keys in your store.

6. Back in your MIVA Merchant admin interface under Payment Configuration -> CyberSource you'll see a "Generate Certificates" button instead of "Update Certificates." Click the "Generate Certificates" button. This will generate a new directory "CyberSource" in your mivadata folder, with new CyberSource certificates and key files in it.

7. Feel free to delete the old "CyberSource.OLD" directory.

8. Test the checkout process in your store using either a regular/valid card, or a test card number, to make sure everything is working properly. If you get an error message about invalid CyberSource certificate keys, contact CyberSource right away to correct this issue, to avoid lengthy downtime in your store.

That's it. Your CyberSource certificates will be good for another 12 months. When they expire in 12 months, simply repeat the above process to generate new certificate keys for your store.

Article Details
Article ID: 22
Created On: 25 Feb 2007 08:50 PM

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