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 I'm getting a lot of spam!

We suggest you modify your spam filter settings within your control panel (Plesk). First log into your user control panel (ex:http://www.domainname.com:8443) - Log in using your full domain name and password.

1) Click on 'Home' on the upper-left hand corner

2) Click on 'Mail'

3) Select the email address you would like to manage

4) Click on 'Spam Filter'

If you're getting an enormous amount of spam we suggest you set the "score" to 3.0 or 2.8 although you may miss normal emails. This setting is labeled "the score that a message must receive to qualify as spam."

This setting adjusts spam filter sensitivity. The spam software within your control panel is called 'SpamAssasin'. SpamAssassin performs a number of different tests on contents and subject line of each message. As a result, each message scores a number of points. The higher the number, the more likely a message is spam. For example, a message containing the text string "BUY VIAGRA AT LOW PRICE!!!" in Subject line and message body scores 8.3 points. By default, the filter sensitivity is set so that all messages that score 7 or more points are classified as spam.

Once finished with setting up the SpamAssassin click OK.

See a video tutorial about SpamAssassin - see video #26.

The shortcoming with SpamAssassin is that it doesn't get updated on a very frequent basis. We are offering a new spam filtering solution to our customers called SpamGuard. This solution does get updates around the clock, daily, and has an accuracy percentage of over 99%. It also includes virus scanning and spyware scanning. If you are interested in learning more about our SpamGuard solution, please visit our webpage at:


Article Details
Article ID: 4
Created On: 17 Aug 2006 08:40 PM

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