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 What are my email settings?
Solution Incoming (POP3) server: mail.your-domain.com
Outgoing (SMTP) server: mail.your-domain.com

Please check 'My server requires authentication' for the outgoing mail server to ensure that you'll be able to send email.

Your username is simply your full email address. Example: If your email address is "joe@mysite.org", your username would be "joe@mysite.org"

You can create/delete/change the password to email addresses through the site administrator control panel (ex: www.your-domain.com:8443)

If you have trouble sending email it's possible your internet service provider is blocking 'port 25'. You may need to call them and have them assist you.

Article Details
Article ID: 2
Created On: 17 Aug 2006 08:40 PM

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