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 How do I make my Miva Store the homepage for my website?

By default, your website will go to a file called "index.html" (or some variation of that file if it exists, such as "index.htm", or "index.php"). However, you can change this behavior to automatically go to your MIVA Merchant storefront by adding a line to your ".htaccess" file:

If your Miva Store is at /mm5/merchant.mvc?, then the text you would enter into your .htaccess file would read:

DirectoryIndex /mm5/merchant.mvc?

If your store's URL is http://mystore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc, then insert:

DirectoryIndex /Merchant2/merchant.mvc?

Put the .htaccess file in your root directory, in this case it would be 'httpdocs'.  For more information and instructions about .htaccess, click here

NOTE: Remember to backup this file before changing it. If this file gets an incorrect syntax, it could bring your entire site down until the backup file can be uploaded again.

Article Details
Article ID: 5
Created On: 17 Aug 2006 08:40 PM

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